What to Do When You Drop Your Phone in Water: A Guide by Sara’s Fix

Accidents happen, and dropping your phone in water can be one of the most heart-stopping moments for any device owner. Whether it’s a quick splash or a full submersion, water damage can lead to serious issues if not handled correctly. At Sara’s Fix, we’ve seen it all, and we’re here to guide you through the steps to take immediately after your phone takes an unexpected dive.

Immediate Steps to Take

  1. Remove from Water Quickly:
    • As soon as your phone hits the water, retrieve it as quickly as possible. The longer it stays submerged, the higher the risk of significant damage.
  2. Turn Off the Device:
    • If your phone is still on, turn it off immediately. This prevents short-circuiting, which can cause permanent damage.
  3. Remove Case and Accessories:
    • Take off any protective case and remove any accessories like headphones or chargers. These can trap moisture against your phone.
  4. Dry the Exterior:
    • Use a soft cloth or paper towel to gently blot away as much water as possible from the exterior. Be careful not to push water into the phone’s openings.
  5. Remove SIM Card and SD Card:
    • Open the SIM card tray and remove the SIM card and any SD cards. This helps prevent water from damaging these components.

Drying Out Your Phone

  1. Do Not Use Heat:
    • Avoid using a hairdryer, oven, or microwave to dry your phone. Excessive heat can damage the internal components.
  2. Use Absorbent Materials:
    • Place your phone in a bag of uncooked rice or silica gel packets. These materials can help absorb moisture from your phone. Leave it in the bag for at least 24-48 hours.
  3. Air Drying:
    • If you don’t have rice or silica gel, place your phone in a dry, well-ventilated area. You can use a fan to circulate air around the phone, speeding up the drying process.

What Not to Do

  1. Do Not Turn It On:
    • Resist the urge to turn on your phone to check if it’s working. Wait until you’re confident it’s completely dry.
  2. Avoid Pressing Buttons:
    • Pressing buttons can push water further into the phone.
  3. Do Not Shake the Phone:
    • Shaking the phone can spread the water inside, potentially causing more damage.

Assessing the Damage

After allowing your phone to dry for at least 24-48 hours, it’s time to assess the damage:

  1. Turn On the Phone:
    • Power on your phone to see if it functions normally. If it doesn’t turn on, try charging it first. If it still doesn’t respond, there may be internal damage.
  2. Check the Screen and Sound:
    • Look for any signs of water trapped under the screen and test the sound. Distorted audio or a non-responsive screen can indicate lingering moisture or damage.
  3. Test Functionality:
    • Check the camera, buttons, and other features to ensure everything is working correctly.

When to Seek Professional Help

If your phone shows any signs of damage or doesn’t turn on after following these steps, it’s time to visit Sara’s Fix:

  1. Professional Inspection:
    • At Sara’s Fix, we can perform a thorough inspection to identify and repair any water damage. Our experts use specialized tools to safely open and dry your device.
  2. Component Replacement:
    • If necessary, we can replace damaged components such as the battery, screen, or internal circuits.
  3. Data Recovery:
    • If your phone is beyond repair, we can help recover important data from the device.

Preventive Measures

  1. Waterproof Cases:
    • Invest in a high-quality waterproof case to protect your phone from future accidents.
  2. Be Cautious Near Water:
    • Always be mindful of where you place your phone when near water sources like pools, sinks, and bathtubs.
  3. Insurance:
    • Consider insurance plans that cover accidental water damage.


Water damage doesn’t have to mean the end of your phone. By acting quickly and following the right steps, you can minimize damage and potentially save your device. At Sara’s Fix, we’re here to assist with professional repairs and advice to keep your gadgets running smoothly. If you’ve had a water-related mishap, don’t hesitate to bring your phone to us for expert care and restoration. Stay connected with Sara’s Fix for more tips and solutions for all your tech troubles!

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